The Alternative Times

December Issue 2006


Table of Contents

History of the Holidays

News and Notes

Sports and Leisure


Regional RAZE ON update

By: Lauren Bucsko

      Regional RAZE On this year was a lot of fun. We had a lot of activities to do; we played games that had us work together and meet new people. A game that we played was to work together and keep a bottle from touching the floor and the only thing that was holding it up was a block with 8 strings.

       The experience all together was something I never had done before since it was my first years at a regional RAZE On. We also got all the free pizza and drinks we could want. We got a bunch of free shirts, folders, stickers and some other goodies and all we had to do was show up. As the day went along, we even got more prizes from winning  games. Even though some of the classes  they offered were really boring, we still learned a lot in the one day that we were there. We did not have as many students from the ALC as we wanted to, but Nicole Cooper and I enjoyed the experience anyways.


Starting the Holidays with a Bang: We Hope Not

By Kenny Rager

There have been two bomb threats this year at the ALC.  One on Friday and one on Monday this December.  Nobody new what to think during the first one, and now nobody cares about them. “It’s really stupid and immature of people,” said Lauren. "It isn’t worth it."  A lot of people say the only thing that sucks about a bomb threat is being out in the cold waiting on our parents to come and get us. But Litisha had a different opinion: “I'm happy we don’t have to sit in school.” She also said that she would rather sit in the cold doing nothing then being in the warm school and doing something.

            Earlier this year North Marion and West Side both had bomb threats. The story that students have been talking about was that a boy, let's call him "Bob," did both threats.  He used one of his friend’s cell phones and the guy had let him do it, then the guy got away with it and "Bob" is in lock up. Mr. Slamick, ALC social studies teacher, said, “The authorities are too easy on the juveniles; I think that they should be locked up for a year or more.”

            When the bomb threat happened at West side everyone was in fourth period and I couldn’t wait until lunch, then we had a bomb threat and we had to stand outside for an hour until we were allowed to eat lunch. Then we had to wait outside until 7th period then we went back to our fourth period classes until it was time to leave. “The student or students that do it don’t realize how destructive their behavior is. It takes away from our mission to educate all children to the best of their ability,” said Mrs. Miller.