Bid Advertisement
Sealed bids for multiple contracts associated with Barbour County Schools will be received by Wendel Energy Services, LLC, the Contractor, at the Barbour County Board of Education Office, 45 School Street, Philippi, WV 26416 on December 1, 2022; 2:00 P.M. at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Bids are requested for both HVAC Improvements and Window Improvement. This project is funded by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief Fund (ESSERF) through the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE).
All bidders and bidder’s subcontractors shall be licensed in compliance with the West Virginia Contractor’s Licensing Act.
A mandatory Pre-bid Conference has been scheduled for October 20, 2022, at 10 am via Zoom Conference Call.
Please contact for full bid invitation, access to meeting invitation and call-in information, and construction documents.